Gefen is a national initiative run by the Ministry of Education, empowering school principals with resources to select educational services. ICEI now offers services to schools through Gefen

Gefen (Hebrew for ‘grapevine’ and an acronym for ‘Management and Pedagogical Flexibility’) is a national initiative run by the Ministry of Education.
Gefen is designed to provide school principals and local authorities with the budgetary flexibility to realize their educational goals, out of respect and recognition of their ability to adapt resources and services to the unique needs of their communities. Gefen provides a list of approved school programs and gives school administrations significant financial resources and autonomy to select services from these approved programs.
By participating in Gefen, ICEI is expanding our reach to more schools while enhancing our existing programs in both Jewish and Arab elementary schools with additional resources. Gefen enables both new and veteran ICEI partner schools to benefit from ICEI’s ongoing support services.
Participating Schools
ICEI operates in the following schools within the Gefen framework:
- Sinai, Rishon LeZion
- Dekel, Ashkelon
- Arlozorov, Ashkelon
- Yavne, Hadera
- Mevo’ot, Be’er Tuvia
- Rona Ramon, Harish
- Shavit, Rehovot
- Almutanbi, Umm El Fahm
- Ibn Khaldun, Umm El Fahm
- Almustaqbal, Jaljulia